Signals plot's polarization

Signals plot's polarization

  1. if the Negation checkbox is checked the signal's plot will inverted

    1. – it means that if As lines drawing mode had been chosen inactive state of a signal will be represented as a line, active state will be drawn as leading line (if chosen),
    2. if As lines drawing mode is unselected active state of a signal will be drawn as low level of the plot and inactive state of this signal as high level of the plot.
    Additionally in the Cursor window the signal's name will be accompanied by ``N_'' note.

  2. if the Negation checkbox is unchecked the signal plot will be drawn normally

    1. active state of binar signal will be shown as a solid line, and inactive state will be presented as lack of such line,
    2. or on charts that are lines, inactive part of the signal will be drawn as low level of the plot and the active part as high level of the plot

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