Cursor properietes

Cursor properietes

For precisely reading a time or a value a cursor has been provided. The cursor has the form of thin blue vertical line and is associated with the cursor window where following information is set:

  1. Cursor's time in format:

    1. hour : minute : second : thousands of sec - for data ranges equal or less than one minute,
    2. hour : minute : second : hundreds of sec - for data ranges grater than one minute.
  2. analog signals' values
  3. the names of binary signals that were active in given moment
If the color mode of binary signals presentation has been chosen each binary signal name is written on a background which color corresponds with signal graph's color. If the black and white mode has been chosen the cursor window contains all configured binary signals names, but those which were active at the time of cursor are marked as bold.The comparison of two methods of presentation active binary signals is shown on fig.7.1.The cursor can be moved by using the mouse – to do it just set the mouse pointer in new place and left-click the mouse,

Figure 7.1: Illustration of two methods of viewing the binary signals in cursor window.
Image l10

or by means of left (<-) and right (->) arrow keys for precisely moving step by step.

  • the <- key moves the cursor left
  • the -> key - right
To move the cursor window one should drag by the time area of the window by left-clicking on the mouse, holding down the left mouse button and drop it at new position. In case the cursor is active in the data window and the data range (time scale) is changed the cursor always is placed in the middle of the window.

By default the data windows open without the cursor.

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