The beginning...

Our company was established as the Z.E.U.S. MicroSTER in November 1990. But even earlier the team, which created it, was working in it's own right in work collective 'ELINOR' in Gliwice. In 1987-1990, and even later as Z.E.U.S. MicroSTER, we were working together with designers from Katowickie Biuro Projektów Kolejowych (Katowice's Railways Designs Agency) on microcomputer's system of project of Automatyczna Podstacja Trakcyjna (Automatic Traction Station). This project was created within the Central Researching-Development Program founded by Scientific Research Committee. It was a reentrant system build on simple 8-bit microprocessors which was using a dispersed way of data's collecting and decisions working. Modern technology of optical fiber transmission was used in this system. System was also co-operating with central computer on which there was a simple graphic application for visualization of station's work.

We also designed specialized controllers to points heating for Polskie Koleje Państwowe (Polish Railways).


We have been co-operating with mining industry since 1993. We designed and are still producing dataloggers AR-1c, AR-2c, AR-3c and AR-4c, which installed in mine's hoist work as 'black boxes'. We produced over 350 dataloggers.

Control and supervisor devices

In 1997-1998 we designed Digital Shaft Set WJG-1 - a microcomputer device for showing a conveyance position in shaft and for a basic protection of hoist machine.

We were first in Poland to design the Digital Hoist Supervisor - a device which works optimal speed of hoist machine on base of position of conveyance in shaft and is responsible for safety work of machine. The full name of the device is: Digital Hoist Supervisor RJ-99. The first installation of RJ-99 took place in hoist in LIII shaft of ZG Lublin KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. in May 2000.

We are also producing small, specialized controllers for a various machines which are used in producing of boards package.

Network integration

  • 2000 - 2001 - Micro-LAN (1 - wire) / MODBUS RTU in system TMCS
  • 2005 - 2006 - MODBUS RTU / ethernet in AR-3c
  • 2005 - 2006 - PROFIBUS DP / ethernet in AR-3c
  • 2005 - 2006 - PROFIBUS DP / MODBUS RTU / ethernet in AR-3c
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