NameModernization of AR-2c Datalogger that is build in hoist #VI KWK Budryk - II stage - integration with MODBUS RTU network
Executed works scope
  • Communication card adaptation for PROFIBUS DP bus to register additional, required by law, signals from USS
  • Build and installation of communication card that works with binary signals from MODBUS RTU bus
  • MODBUS RTU bus connection, signals registration from control system build on PLC
  • AR-2 software accommodation to 188 binary signals registration
  • New Logger application build that enables transmission and visualization of new connected signals
  • Device testing and startup
  • Research program as specified in admission documentation as a part of certification process
Time rangeJuly 2004 - January 2005
Investor/General ContractorP.P.U.H Elcam Sp. z o.o. in cooperation with MDJ Electronic sp. z o.o.
Installation special featuresThe only working AR-2c Datalogger equipped with two types of communication cards: PROFIBUS DP and MODBUS RTU
NameSupply, installation and startup of AR-2c Datalogger equipped with PROFIBUS DP communication card, in hoist # VIII KWK Jankowice
Executed works scope
  • AR-2c Datalogger supply with PROFIBUS DP card and supporting hardware
  • Binary signals connection from machines through PROFIBUS DB bus
  • Acoustic and velocity signals connection
  • Datalogger startup
  • Logger build that supports pass on and visualization of all (over 128) registered signals and transmission startup to CRD computer
Time rangeJuly 2004
Investor/General ContractorABB Sp.zo.o. in cooperation with z MDJ Electronic sp. z o.o.
Installation special featuresThe only AR-2c working datalogger that does not have classic binary inputs
NameSupply, installation and startup of AR-2c Datalogger in hoist # II southern KWK Jas - Mos
Executed works scope
  • AR-2c Datalogger supply with sensors
  • Connection of binary signals form machine and shaft signalization
  • Connection of acoustic signals and velocity signal
  • Datalogger startup
  • Logger application build that passes on and visualize registered signals; transmission to CRD computer startup
Time rangeJuly 2004
Investor/General ContractorOPA ROW Rybnik
Installation special featuresThe last AR-2c we build
NameInstallation of network version of Logger in KWK Szczygłowice and KWK Halemba
Executed works scope
  • Server program installation on computers that have direct access to AR-2c Dataloggers
  • Logger application build in network version for all AR-2c Dataloggers installed in both mines
  • Client version of Logger installed on 7 workstations in KWK Szczyglowice and 4 in KWK Halemba
Time rangeOctober 2004
Investor/General ContractorKompania Węglowa S.A. KWK Szczygłowice, KWK Halemba
Installation special featuresComplex, multistation implementation of Logger program that works in mine's LAN
NameModernization and startup of AR-2c Datalogger with transmission and registration of newly introduced, required by law, binary signals in hoist #Józef ZG Bytom III
Executed works scope
  • Repair of AR-2c - bus replacement, 8-input binary cards changed to 16-input cards
  • Logger program swap to enable registration of more binary signals (over 64)
  • Application build for datalogger in Logger program
  • Transmission startup
Time rangeOctober - November 2004
Investor/General ContractorKompania Węglowa S.A ZG Bytom III
Installation special featuresFirst AR-2c Datalogger with 16 binary inputs cards
NameTwo AR-2c Dataloggers modernization and installation in shafts #s220 and #s200p in Lubelski Węgiel BOGDANKA S.A.
Executed works scope
  • Repair and maintenance of two AR-2c descended from machines being closed down
  • Enhance dataloggers with new encoder for speed measurement and 8 analog inputs POMMAX card
  • Reprogramming, assembly and startup in hoist in shafts #s220 and spare shaft #s220p in ''Bogdanka'' coal mine
  • Logger visualization and communication program installation on two CDR stations - workstation and remote in shaft office
  • Transmission system build with the ability to switch between CRD stations
  • Logger application program build for both loggers
  • Remote display mount
Time rangeDecember 2004
Investor/General ContractorPrzedsiębiorstwo Proel Sp. z o.o.
Installation special featuresFirst AR type dataloggers in lubelskie zagłębie węglowe (lubelskie coalfield), remote display
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