Cooperation with AR3c-Audio voice recorder

Cooperation with AR3c-Audio voice recorder

The Logger program (beginning from ver. 4.1-0.11) can play and save audio files.Sound information in form of one-minute *.gsm files comes from voice recorder AR3c-Audio which is independent device cooperating with the AR-3c datalogger by the network.

The sound which is recorded comes from four external channels which are internally multiplexed into two separate channels recorded on media. The whole of audio information input from those channels is continuously recorded within the extbfAR3c-audio recorder memory /in the form of *.gsm format compressed one-minute files. The *.gsm files are stored during the period of KEEP TIME hours (this period can be set), and if they are not appointed for longer storage they are automatically erased by the system. If some part of stored sound information should be available for longer than KEEP TIME hours it must be marked as ``wanted'' by sending to the AR3c-Audio special messages which make it copy of chosen files to other disc directory where they are stored for next days

In order to enable sound recording/playing functioning the Logger program one should:

  1. Make sure that voice recorder is connected (is working in the same network section as the PC with Logger program) and its IP address is set - see the settings in the dialog ``Transmission settings'' - description is in chapter 22.
  2. Enable voice recording function in the Logger program in the View tab of ``Pages Configuration'' dialog box - see description in chapt. 4.1.
After proper configuration a new area in program's data window opens - it is placed between binary signals' area and single stroke signals' area. Two horizontal lines can be drawn there:

  • blue for 1-st channel
  • dark-blue for 2-nd channel
Presence of those lines means that the signals responsible for voice recording are active and there are sound files kept for longer in the voice recorder - so they can be transmitted and played in the Logger programIn order to transmit audio files one has to click in those lines' area.A small dialog box informing that audio files are available opens After clicking on a small pushbutton with a louder symbol on it transmission of *.gsm files begins and after - upon completion - those files are decompressed to the*.wav format and played on the computer's louders. The *.wav files are later stored in the \TMP Logger's local folder and can be re-played again without re-transmitting them whenever they are neccessary

The AR3c-Audio keeps all recorded voice information for some hours according to the setting in KEEP_TIME parameter. Therefore it is possible to play this information (for as long time as it is available) in the Logger program - to do it one has to click on the area just below the single stroke signals'

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