Name | Analysis, realization and placement of Digital Shaft Set WJG-1 for extractor machine B 1500/DC 2 m/s # Piotr KWK Wesoła (Wesoła Coal Mine) |
Executed works scope |
- Analysis of law requirements and development of functional guidelines and technical realization
- Technical project and admission documentation development
- Device build, installation at mine and research as in documentation
- Parametrize and device startup
Time range | November 1998 - March 1999 |
Investor/General Contractor | Wilhelm Mueller Maschinenfabrik GmBH & Co KG for Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Górniczych Mysłowice sp. z o.o. |
Installation special features | first polish integrated digital device which works as position pointer, route programmer, velocity measurement and overspeed control, parameter change in ''down-loading'' mode with tool software, software enabled dynamical changing of speed control diagram depending on moving platform position |
Name | Build, installation and startup of Digital Shaft Set WJG-1 for shaft hoist B-2500/DC - 2 m/s on # Andrzej IX in KWK Brzeszcze (Brzeszcze Coal Mine) |
Executed works scope |
- Development of technical project, DTR and admission documentation
- Device build and assembling in mine
- parametrize, testing and startup
Time range | August 2000 |
Investor/General Contractor | Wilhelm Mueller Maschinenfabrik GmBH & Co KG for Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Górniczych Mysłowice sp. z o.o. |
Installation special features | Device software handles two hoists work modes and elaborates two speed control diagrams depending on work mode selection, device elaborates analog signal proportional to the vessel position in the shaft and passes the signal to drive control unit |
Name | Supply, installation and startup of two AR-2c Dataloggers for hoist in # II intervals eastern and western in KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. o/ZG Lubin |
Executed works scope |
- Supply 2 sets AR-2c Dataloggers with sensors and dust proof cabinets (made by Rittal)
- Dataloggers inclusion to control system and shaft signalization according to customer's documentation
- Logger program development and transmission startup
- Testing, crew training and final startup
Time range | June 1999 and May 2000 |
Investor/General Contractor | ABB Centrum Automatyki Sp. z o.o. |
Installation special features | Dataloggers cooperates with modern machine control systems and shaft signalization based on PLC, faultless Dataloggers work through whole operation time |
Name | Supply, installation and startup two sets of Digital Shaft Set WJG-1 for hoist type B-1800/DC - 2m/s emergency - revision hoist for shaft SG-2 o/ZG Polkowice-Sieroszowice and for hoist type K-2000/DC-2m/s for shaft R-IX O/ZG Rudna KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. |
Executed works scope |
- Development of technical project, DTR and admission documentation
- Device build up and installation in mine
- Device parametrization, testing and startup
Time range | November 2000 |
Investor/General Contractor | MWM Elektro Sp. z o.o. |
Installation special features | --- |
Name | Shaft signalization design based on PLC Procontic (made by AAB for #LIII KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. o/ZG Lubin) |
Executed works scope |
- Analysis of law requirements and development of functional guidelines and technical realization
- Development of technical project and admission documentation
- Devices supply: controllers, sensors, couplers, light signalizes, fiberglass transmission system
- Software development for main controller and communication drivers
- Devices installation
- Drivers software startup and testing
- Integration with Digital Hoist Supervisor RJ-99
- Testing and startup
Time range | March 2000 |
Investor/General Contractor | MWM Elektro for KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. o/ZG Lubin |
Installation special features | Project and introduction in cooperation with Zakład Elektroniki Użytkowej Multisig, utilization of fiberglass transmission with two way control system implemented. |
Name | Design and realization of first polish Digital Hoist Supervisor RJ-99, with installation, parametrization and startup in hoist #LIII KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. o/ZG Lubin |
Executed works scope |
- Analysis of law requirements and development of functional guidelines and technical realization
- Development of technical project and admission documentation
- Main control unit software development that can: creation of the speed pattern in form of speed diagram in the function of position (conveyance's speed/position model), creation of speed envelope (flanger) and overspeed control envelope (flanger) in the function of position, position indication of the conveyance within the shaft, continuous and discrete velocity control
- Project execution and software realization for coprocessors that realizes parametrize functions and communicates with visualization system
- Build and program hoist supervisor driver
- Installation in institution
- Integration with ''Mark'' velocity control driver
- Device parametrization, testing and startup
Time range | November 1999 - May 2000 |
Investor/General Contractor | MWM Elektro for KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. o/ZG Lubin |
Installation special features | Own project and realization in cooperation with Zakład Elektroniki Użytkowej Multisig, installation uses drivers build on integrated industrial microcomputer modules, multiprocessor real-time system for distributed data gathering and control elaborating with full functional redundancy, working two way in ''hot stand-by'' system, project and implementation of coprocessor for parametrization system function with elaborating software using multilevel menu model |
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